Studiengang International Business [Master]

Studiengang Name Englisch:International Business
Abschlussbezeichnung:Master of Science
Studienform(en): Vollzeit
Regelstudienzeit (Semester):4 Semester
Vorpraktikum erforderlich:nein
Zugangs-/Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Hochschuleigenes Auswahlverfahren
Zulassung Sonstiges:Bewerbungsschluss abweichend bereits am 15. Mai. Auch im höheren Fachsemester zulassungsbeschränkt.
Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch
Auslandssemester vorgesehen:Pflicht
Praxissemester vorgesehen:nein
Besonderheiten:Zwei Auslandssemester in Asien oder Afrika sind Pflicht.
Internationaler Studiengang:ja
Schwerpunkte:Today’s companies compete on global markets and are in great need of high potential recruits with international qualifications. Completing the M.Sc. in International Business at the University of Tübingen gives future managers the competitive edge for a promising corporate career! The School of Business and Economics prepares business leaders of tomorrow for successfully doing business in some of the fastest growing economic areas of the world. The M.Sc. in International Business from the University of Tübingen is a degree program highly sought after by applicants and greatly respected by employers. Students will study the M.Sc. in International Business in their first year in Tübingen and in their second year at one or two of the most prestigious universities either in East Asia or in Africa. The M.Sc. in International Business is designed as a 4-semester program. Successful completion requires students to achieve a total of 120 ECTS credits (including the Master thesis with 18 ECTS credits). In addition to International Business, students choose one further specialization out of Banking, Finance, Industrial Economics, International Accounting and Auditing, Marketing, Econometrics, Human Resources, Business Taxation, and Managerial Accounting and Controlling.
Fächergruppe:Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften allgemein
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